Pursuant to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act), Craggy Range Vineyards Limited (the licensee) is authorised to sell and supply alcohol on the premises situated at 253 Waimarama Road Waimarama and known as Craggy Range Vineyard Limited, to any person for consumption on the premises and to let people consume alcohol there.
The authority conferred by this licence must be exercised through a manager or managers appointed by the licensee in accordance with Subpart 7 of Part 2 of the Act.
This licence is subject to the following conditions:
- No alcohol is to be sold on the premises on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, or before 1:00 pm on Anzac Day to any person who is not:
i. residing or lodging on the premises; or
ii. present on premises to dine. - Alcohol may be sold only on the following days and during the following hours:
Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 11:30 pm
Sunday 10:00 am to 10:00 pm - The licensee must implement and maintain the steps proposed in the application for the licence aimed at promoting the responsible consumption of alcohol.
- The licensee must ensure that the provision of the Act relating to the sale and supply of alcohol to prohibited persons are observed and must display appropriate signs adjacent to every point of sale detailing the statutory restrictions on the supply of alcohol to minors and the complete prohibition on sales to intoxicated persons.
- Drinking water is to be freely available and free of charge to customers at the following location while the premises are open for business: At the bar and on the tables.
- The host responsibility policy supplied with the application is to be fully complied with.
- Food must be available for consumption on the premises at all times the premises are open for the sale and supply of alcohol, in accordance with the sample menu supplied with the application for this licence or menu variations of a similar range and standard. Menus must be visible and food should be actively promoted.
- The licensee must have available for consumption on the premises, at all times when the premises are open for the sale and supply of alcohol, a reasonable range of non-alcoholic and low alcoholic beverages.
- The licensee must provide information, advice and assistance about alternative forms of transport available to patrons from licensed premises.
- The licensed area is described on the plan date stamped 21 September 2018.
Subject to the requirements of the Act relating to the payment of fees, and to the provisions of the Act relating to the suspension and cancellation of licences, this licence continues in force:
a) either:
(i) until the close of the period for which it was last renewed; or
(ii) if it has never been renewed, until the close of the period of 12 months after the day it was issued; but
b) if an application for the renewal of the licence is duly made before the licence would otherwise expire, either:
(i) until the close of the period of 3 years after the period for which it was last renewed; or
(ii) if it has never been renewed, until the close of the period of 4 years after the day it was issued.
Dated at Hastings on the 14th day of October 2018
Maximum Occupancy: 50
Tony Stothart
Hastings District Licensing Committee
Subject to the requirements of the Act relating to the payment of fees, and relating to the suspension and cancellation of licences, the licence expires on:
14th October 2021
Note: This licence 29/ON/058/18 replaces licence number 29/OFF/044/15 issued by the Hastings District Licensing Committee